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Packard Children’s Hospital big on virtual reality

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Fierce Healthcare takes a look inside the renovated and expanded Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, in Palo Alto, Calif., and a Stanford Medical School teaching hospital.

Among its features: “adjoining spaces for different steps along the care journey {to} make the process faster and require less anesthesia.”

Dennis Lund, M.D., told Fierce that, in the news service’s paraphrase,  ” Lucile Packard has gone all-in on virtual reality, which clinicians have found can calm nervous children and reduce the need for sedatives. They have also installed a radio frequency tracking system that will display information about clinical staff to patients and their families on video boards when they enter the room.”

The hospital  has also “expanded healing gardens, offered sleeping areas for families to get a break when they need it, and ensured the facility was relatively quiet and didn’t feel too busy.”

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