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5 big stories from 2015


Hospitals & Health Networks lists these five important stories from 2015 :

Service-line Management: A Behind the Scenes Road to Value

“Value opens the door to participating in new payment models. To that end, hospitals are eyeing better cost and quality equations.

Urgent Care 2.0: New Entrants Help Spur the Evolution of an Old Model

Payers and investors are buying urgent care clinics, while hospitals are forging partnerships to add consumer-friendly access points for patients.

Genomics: The Future Gold Standard of Medicine?

NorthShore University HealthSystem dives into personalized medicine, looking to lead the field in the new genetic wave of health care.

Bioelectronic Device Could Revolutionize Care for Inflammatory Disease

If proved to be effective and safe, the treatment could transform the care of patients suffering from such conditions as rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Public Partners in Population Health
“Mandated community health needs assessments — a less-talked-about provision of the Affordable Care Act — may turn out to have a big impact on the transformation of health care.”

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