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Mayor proposes huge plan for NYC’s public hospitals



Queens Hospital Center, one of New York City’s public hospitals.


The New York Times reports that New York City Mayor Bill DiBlasio is proposing a $2 billion plan for the city’s public hospital system.

Mr. DiBlasio says that the system is  “on the edge of a financial cliff,” He proposes a restructuring and   $2 billion in subsidies.

“Like many healthcare initiatives nationwide, the plan for Health & Hospitals encourages better primary care and less hospitalization. The budget includes $100 million in capital investments meant to expand or upgrade the system’s community-based health centers and clinics, and it proposes selling vacant land on hospital campuses to create affordable and supportive housing,” The Times reported.

“The report says there will be no layoffs or closings of hospitals in the system, which was known until last year as the Health and Hospitals Corporation. But it acknowledges that ‘even with retraining and shifting existing hospital staff to community-based health centers and clinics, there is likely to be a net loss of hospital-based jobs’ and some buildings ‘will be repurposed to house social support and other community-based services.”’

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