Rebecca Block, Ph.D., has joined Cambridge Management Group (CMG) as a senior adviser. She brings to CMG deep knowledge about the patient experience through the care continuum and how to improve it. Dr. Block develops innovative methodologies to study the patient perspective in the context of the broader health network and then applies that knowledge to make the treatment process work better for patients and providers.
This speaks to CMG’s experience in strengthening the links between all providers in a patient’s episode of care to improve outcomes and control costs. Bundled-payment systems, made imperative by new private- and public-sector insurance mandates, probably comprise the best current example of the application of care-continuum expertise. CMG has been working intensively in helping hospital systems to develop bundled-payment systems.
Dr. Block is also Director of Network Science for MNR Analytics, a healthcare research and consulting firm.
Dr. Block recently left her post as Director of Research and Advocacy with Critical Mass: Young Adult Cancer Alliance. As a social scientist with a clinical social work background, she has studied psychosocial outcomes, healthcare delivery and mental health in a population-health context.
The synergy of life experience, clinical and research skills and connection to social and professional communities is at the heart of Dr. Block’s work.
Rebecca Block has a doctorate in social work and social research from Portland (Ore.) State University; a master’s degree in social work from Gallaudet University, Washington, D.C., and a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Towson (Md.) State University.