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Sutter Delta Medical Center

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6 Bay Area hospitals create ‘virtual safety net’ for underprivileged


Part of the Alta Bates Medical Center, one of the hospitals in the collaborative.

Six hospitals in the San Francisco Bay area use shared data to create a “virtual safety net” for the region’s most underprivileged populations.

The partnership shares patient health records across participating hospitals in real-time. The idea is to provide  more personalized and cost-effective care for patients whose point of healthcare access is all too often a  very costly hospital emergency department.

The six hospitals are:  Alta Bates Summit Medical Center (Oakland), Alta Bates Summit Medical Center (Berkeley), Sutter Delta Medical Center, Eden Medical Center, Highland Hospital and San Leandro Hospital.

“We’re trying to use technology and available information to make it so no matter what door a patient walks through in Alameda County, we’re all on the same page when it comes to their care plan and information about what support services they need in the community,” Jim Hickman, CEO of Better Health East Bay,  a Sutter Health’s philanthropic foundation partner,   told Hospitals & Health Networks.

To read the whole  H&HN article, please hit this link.

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