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U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer

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Judge rules ACA insurance-subsidy plan unconstitutional

A U.S. District Court judge has ruled that the Obama administration is unconstitutionally subsidizing millions of lower-income Americans’ health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. At stake is  many billions of dollars that the government is paying to reimburse health insurers over a decade to reduce co-payments for lower-income people.

The ruling from U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer is a big victory for House Republicans.  “The House argues that Congress never specifically appropriated that money and has denied an administration request for it, but that the administration is spending the money anyway,” CNBC reported.

Judge Collyer, named to the federal bench by  fellow Republican President George W. Bush, issued an order stopping further reimbursements, but delayed its implementation because the Obama administration will appeal the decision.



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