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Partners continues to go global


Maltese landscape.

Regulators are leery of letting giant Partners HealthCare expand further in Greater Boston but it can certainly expand abroad, marketing its prestige, to no small degree connected to its close links with the Harvard Medical School. Indeed, the system plans to accelerate its global health expansion.

The latest sign: It will help build hospitals in Malta and Ivory Coast.

Partners  seeks to  globally improve care and access to medical services, from specialized hospital care to primary care, Gilbert H. Mudge,  M.D., chief executive of Partners’ international division, told The Boston Gl0be.

The Globe noted that “although Malta is small, it may serve as a test case for Partners’ future growth in Europe. Many European countries, including Malta, have government-funded health care systems but are seeking private partners to help them stay financially sustainable, Mudge said. ‘We actually think the future of health care in many nationalized health care systems is probably going to be in public-private partnerships.”’


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