Cooperating for better care.

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What We Do

Since 1985, CMG has won a national name for balancing hospitals’ needs with those of clinicians. Using a physician-led structured-dialogue approach, CMG has assisted organizations from small, rural hospitals to large regional healthcare systems. It has helped to engage physicians in setting clinical priorities while strengthening organizations’ administrative and financial health. In recent years, CMG has developed added strengths in guiding institutions and individuals through the new challenges posed by evidence-based medicine, population health, fee for value (e.g., bundled payments), new laws and regulations, revolutionary technology and the accountable-care movement. Cambridge Management Group differentiates itself from larger, more rigid consulting firms. Its structure, industry experience and knowledge, and individualized approach to each engagement enhance its ability to provide practical and reality-based solutions.

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“Make it compulsory for a doctor using a brass plate to have inscribed on it, in addition to the letters indicating his qualifications, the words "Remember that I too am mortal.''”
—George Bernard Shaw, playwright, in "The Doctor's Dilemma''