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10 recommendations for nursing’s future

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The Institute of Medicine has released 10 recommendations for the future of nursing. They are, as summarized by Becker’s Hospital Review:

1. “Build common ground around scope of practice and other issues in policy and practice.”

2. “Continue pathways toward increasing the percentage of nurses with a baccalaureate degree.”

3. “Create and fund transition-to-practice residency programs. ”

4. “Promote nurses’ pursuit of doctoral degrees.

5. “Promote nurses’ inter-professional and lifelong learning. ”

6. “Make diversity in the nursing workforce a priority.”

7. “Expand efforts and opportunities for interprofessional collaboration and leadership development for nurses.”

8. “Promote the involvement of nurses in the redesign of care delivery and payment systems.”

9. “Communicate with a wider and more diverse audience to gain broad support for campaign objectives.”

10. “Improve workforce data collection.”


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