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A patient-friendly and simplified-billing approach

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Iora Health is example of the new enterprises springing up to treat patients disenchanted by what they see as soulless and rushed physician groups and clinics. It’s not exactly “concierge care” for the rich, but it sounds remarkably pleasant.

The Cambridge,Mss.-based for-profit  runs  a total of 13 practices in six states. It provides a relatively new model emphasizing preventive care, technology, close personal attention and simplified payment, reports The Boston Globe. The last item is particularly important to many individuals and enterprises  utterly fed up with America’s byzantine, exorbitant and and  sometimes dishonest medical billing.

And patients usually get hour-long appointments.

Rushika Fernandopulle, M.D., from Massachusetts General Hospital,  co-founded Iora with entrepreneur Christopher McKown, the husband of Abigail Johnson, chief executive of Fidelity Investments — lots of  connections  for start-up capital there! Dr. Fernandopulle asserted that “We are building a brand-new version of healthcare.”

Actually, there have been similar enterprises popping up across America in the current healthcare churn, accelerated by new technology and the Affordable Care Act.


The Globe reported that “The company finds large companies or organizations such as unions that are interested in trying out a new approach. These sponsors …. have agreed to pay a flat monthly fee for each patient. Employees still carry standard insurance for medical needs beyond primary care.”

“If Iora can keep a patient healthy and provide care for less than the monthly fees, then Iora makes more money.”









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