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Debate: Is U.S. healthcare system ‘terminally broken’?

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This is from the Mayo Clinic:

“On Thursday, Sept 28, America’s premier debate series, Intelligence Squared U.S., will take the main stage at Transform to debate the motion ‘The U.S. Health Care System is Terminally Broken.’ The Transform audience will vote to declare a winner of the debate, which will be streamed online and recorded live for national television and radio broadcast.

“Arguing in favor of the motion are Shannon Brownlee, Lown Institute, and Robert Pearl, M.D., The Permanente Medical Group. Opposing the motion are Ezekiel Emanuel, M.D., University of Pennsylvania, and David Feinberg, M.D., Geisinger Health System. Intelligence Squared U.S. Host John Donvan will moderate the debate.

“Intelligence Squared U.S. is a non-partisan, non-profit organization founded to restore critical thinking, facts, reason, and civility to American public discourse.

Evening Event at Collider

“The emerging economy for startups, healthcare organizations, and their shared business imperatives will be the focus of ‘Disrupting Health Care,’ a panel discussion and networking event. It will include two startup companies, Wellpeper and Orbita, who are working innovatively with Mayo Clinic. The discussion will be moderated by Kirk Hasenzahl, founder and CEO of RareWire.

“This event will be held on Thursday from 7-9 p.m. in the historic Conley-Maass Building in downtown Rochester. Following the panel discussion, attendees will have time to explore Collider, a new business hub for entrepreneurs while enjoying refreshments and hors d’oeuvres provided by Bleu Duck Kitchen.

“For more information, please hit this link.”


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