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The distressed hospital sector

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FierceHealthcare reports:

“The healthcare industry’s level of ‘distress’ is far higher than in the broader economy, according to a new report.

“The latest Polsinelli-TrBK Distress Indices for healthcare, which uses Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings for entities with $1 million or more in assets to determine ‘distress’ levels, found that 20 hospitals have filed since 2016.

“About 3 out of 4 of hospitals that filed bankruptcy were in rural areas.

“Chapter 11 filings have decreased by 53% nationwide since 2010, according to the report. But in healthcare, its distress scores increased by 305% in that same window.

“‘I think it’s going to be full speed ahead for a while,’ Jeremy Johnson, the report’s editor and a bankruptcy and restructuring attorney at Polsinelli, told FierceHealthcare. ‘The biggest issue is that no problem has been solved—the issues in healthcare we don’t think are cyclical.”’

To read the whole article, please hit this link.


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