Some Republicans, fearful of a massive voter backlash if the Affordable Care Act is repealed without a way to maintain insurance for the millions covered by it, are now talking about “repairing” the ACA instead of “repealing and replacing it,” Bloomberg reported, noting that the concept was discussed during last week’s closed GOP policy retreat in Philadelphia.
The word ‘’repair’’ “captures exactly what the large majority of the American people want,” GOP consultant and pollster Frank Luntz told Bloomberg.
In any event, the pressure is mounting on Republicans as insurers are warning that they might quit the ACA marketplaces if the GOP doesn’t offer a replacement plan before the April deadline for insurers to decide if they’ll participate in 2018.
Healthcare Dive observed: “As the flood of Republican demands to abolish the ACA slow to a more measured stream, the shift in language seems to be more of a rebranding than a signal of a new direction for the beleaguered law.’’
House Speaker Paul Ryan, for his part, told Fox News: “To repair the American healthcare system, you have to repeal and replace this law, and that’s what we’re doing.’’ So confusion and uncertainty still reign on the ACA.