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Hail a flu shot

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The Boston Globe reported that “For four hours Thursday {Nov. 19}, people in Boston and 35 other cities had the opportunity to summon a nurse to their doorstep to give them a flu shot.”

“An experiment in ‘on-demand health care,’ which involved the use of hundreds of Uber drivers, heralds what some consider the wave of the future: bringing health care to the people, instead of waiting for them to come and get it. The project, dubbed UberHEALTH, was the brainchild of John S. Brownstein, M.D., a researcher at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School who develops technologies that track and promote public health.”

“The concept of bringing on-demand services . . . bringing physicians and nurses to people has so many opportunities,” Dr. Brownstein told The Globe. Indeed, startup companies let people order home visits from clinicians. For example, PediaQ, available in four Texas communities, “provides an app parents can use to summon a pediatric nurse practitioner to their homes during evenings and weekends,” the paper said.

The Globe said that the Uber project came out of Dr. Brownstein’s HealthMap Vaccine Finder, a Web site that “provides a list of recommended vaccines, tailored to the individual, and locations nearby where the vaccine can be obtained.”


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