Anesthesia residents being trained with a dummy.
Joshua Goldman, M.D., writes in Doximity about the rise of Millennials and the fall of hierarchy in medicine. Among his observations:
“As an acute sense of the value of business and industry has crept into the hearts and minds of Millennial medical students, and disruptive innovation enters the algorithm, management, consulting and administrative careers have come to be viewed as lucrative non-clinical opportunities to have large, hospital-wide effects on patient care, an earlier path to professional-level compensation, and a potential route that avoids the negative aspects of residency and physicianship, in general. Medicine and law are no longer the prevailing paths of the intelligentsia; the startup mindset replaced that rigid, professional mentality and the generational zeitgeist has evolved accordingly.”
“Whether you want to classify them as millennials or demean them as snowflakes, there is a palpable change in the attitude of incoming medical students and residents. I can only speak from personal experience and that of many discussions with peers and colleagues, but there is an unprecedented sense of entitlement based on prior accomplishment, or sometimes just potential, and an unwillingness to ‘pay dues’ simply because their bosses did before them. They pay limited, if any, heed to tenure and offer minimal deference to title. They truly do not care if you hiked uphill, both directions, in the snow…. In a society that swiftly traded a ‘time-served’ promotion system and reward model, for one of ‘value-added,’ who can blame them. Medicine has lagged in this respect and many others.”
To read his essay, please hit this link.