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MU hardship exemption soothes providers and CMS

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Herewith a look at how letting eligible hospitals and  other providers participating in CMS’s Meaningful Use  electronic health record apply for a blanket hardship exemption to avoid reimbursement penalties will  help CMS as well as the providers.

Congress  recently passed bill S. 2425, which lets any eligible hospital or  clinician to apply for an exemption for 2017 from MU penalties. Previously, hospitals and professionals had to meet certain criteria  to apply for the exemption.

As Becker’s Hospital Review noted, the hardship exemption “offers an obvious respite {to providers} in their journey to Meaningful Use attestation. Not only does it stave off penalties, but it softens the burden of meeting the newly released stage 3 requirements….”

The news service added: “What’s more, CMS eases the burden on itself with this blanket exception. Since the agency no longer has to review hardship exemptions on a case-by-case basis, that eliminates thousands of applications it needed to individually review….”


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