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Muir Health, UCSF Medical Center expand ACO

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Walnut Creek, Calif.-based John Muir Health and UCSF Medical Center, in San Francisco, have expanded their Accountable Care Organization to let it better compete with huge Sacramento-based Sutter Health and Oakland-based Kaiser Permanente.

John Muir and UCSF’s Bay Area Accountable Care Network started with five hospitals but has since been expanded to add seven more hospitals and three medical groups. The newly expanded ACO has been renamed Canopy Health.

The following California hospitals recently joined Canopy Health: San Ramon (Calif.) Regional Medical Center; Washington Hospital, in Fremont;  Marin General Hospital, in Greenbrae; Sonoma (Calif.) Valley Hospital;  San Leandro (Calif.) Hospital; Alameda (Calif.) Hospital, and Highland Hospital, in Oakland.

To read The San Francico Chronicle article on this move, please hit this link.

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