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PCP shortage said to threaten healthcare reform in N.Y. State

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A new report by the Healthcare Association of New York State warns that a primary-care provider shortage continues and threatens healthcare-reform advances.

The report, “Where Are the Doctors?”, reflects the results from HANYS’ 2015 Physician Advocacy Survey, including responses from 103 member hospitals and health systems across the state.

The report, “Where Are the Doctors,” found among other things that:

  • Seventy-one percent said their current primary-care capacity  can’t meet current patient needs.
  • Eighty-one percent  indicated that primary-care physicians are very difficult to recruit.
  • Seventy-two percent of respondents indicated that their ability to recruit primary-care physicians remained the same or worsened.
  • Primary-care physicians are the largest percentage (25 percent) of all specialties currently being recruited.

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