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Roy Poses, M.D.: Self-dealing insiders take over hospitals

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”Avarice,” by Jesus Solana.
Roy Poses, M.D., in his Health Care Renewal site, writes at the end of a recent article there:
“The compensation given top executives of health care organizations gets ever more floridly exaggerated.  More and more this compensation seems to denote how these organizations have been taken over by insiders who make it a priority to benefit themselves….”
“{C}urrent trends in executive compensation in health care could cause declining morale of other employees, increasing isolation of top executives, poor organizational performance, income equality and a declining economy, and ultimately social unrest.”
“Although the transition of executives into a new aristocracy is a society wide, if not a global problem, we in health care cannot be complacent that someone else will solve it.  True health care reform would enable accountable leadership that puts the health care mission and patients’ and the public’s health ahead of personal gain.”
To read Dr. Poses’s essay, please hit this link.

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