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Send in your ‘idiotic healthcare story’!

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From Med City News, which focuses on healthcare tech:

“Everybody in the world has an ‘idiotic healthcare story,’ according to HealthSparq, and the provider of online healthcare shopping tools is collecting them on Twitter and Facebook as part of its #WhatTheHealthCare campaign.

”The campaign’s business objective is to put HealthSparq at the forefront of the patient engagement discussion and provide ‘a brand lift,’ said Burt Rosen, vice president and chief marketing officer for the Portland, Ore.-based company. But it’s ultimate objective is to inject more humanity into healthcare, Rosen said.

“So far, the campaign has received 60,000 Facebook views and tweets are being collected at the #WhatTheHealthcare hub.

“In explaining why such a campaign is needed, Rosen cites the example one family whose bill for the delivery of their baby included a $39.95 charge for ‘skin to skin contact.’ They eventually learned that this covered having a nurse hold their newborn baby moments after birth.”

To read the Med City News article, please hit this link.

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