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Study: Letting patients type in agendas in electronic visit notes improves collaboration with their physicians

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Patient collaboration with physicians matters a lot.

In what  authors call “the first OpenNotes study of cogeneration of clinic notes” an article recently published in the Annals of Family Medicine reports:

“Collaborative visit agenda setting between patient and doctor is recommended. We assessed the feasibility, acceptability, and utility of patients attending a large primary care safety-net clinic typing their agendas into the electronic visit note before seeing their clinicians. One hundred and one patients and their 28 clinicians completed post-visit surveys. Patients and clinicians agreed that the agendas improved patient-clinician communication (patients 79%, clinicians 74%), and wanted to continue having patients type agendas in the future (73%, 82%). Enabling patients to type visit agendas may enhance care by engaging patients and giving clinicians an efficient way to prioritize patients’ concerns.”


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