Farm Bureau Health Plans is already selling full-year policies that dispense with the pre-existing-condition part of the law.
Modern Healthcare notes that House Speaker Paul Ryan and other GOP leaders have indicated “they want to deregulate health insurance, including letting insurers screen for medical conditions if consumers don’t maintain continuous coverage. President-elect Donald Trump, however, has said he wants to keep the ACA’s ban on discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions though he’s offered no other details.”
Modern Healthcare continued:
“Some insurers have been happy to accommodate the demand for cheaper, skimpier plans by selling short-term products that can run for up to 364 days and don’t have to meet ACA rules. In October, however, the HHS issued a final rule limiting the duration of short-term plans to three months and barring insurers from renewing them, effective in 2017. It remains to be seen whether the incoming Trump administration will move to reverse that in response to lobbying pressure from insurers.”
To read the Modern Healthcare article, please hit this link.