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Texas hospital-owned insurer makes big bet on plan for indigent, disabled children

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Driscoll Children’s Hospital.

Driscoll Health Plan, a subsidiary of Driscoll Children’s Hospital, in Corpus Christi, Texas, took  on a lot of risk when it contracted to run a new, value-based Medicaid managed-care plan for indigent, disabled children next year  even before the state decided what it will pay.

MedCity News noted that  insurer “also will have to sign contracts with physicians months before it knows the rates for STAR Kids, the pediatric component of the State of Texas Access Reform Plus (STAR+Plus) program that takes effect in the fall of 2016.”

“It’s a signature of faith,” said Driscoll Health Plan CEO  Mary Dale Petersen, told the online publication. “It also means that Driscoll will have to be efficient and effective at coordinating care.”

MedCity reported that Driscoll will  work  “closely with the physician community in the 24 counties — covering 25,000 square miles — of its service area in South Texas to make sure families have proper care plans and that primary-care physicians have communication with hospital emergency departments in the name of care continuity.”

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