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Time to curb measurement mania in health care?

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In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, an article by J. Michael McWilliams, M.D., in NEJM Catalyst notes how the pace of health-care quality improvement in the United States has been slow, and so he writes: “After two decades of efforts relying largely on quality measurement and performance-linked payment incentives, we need new ideas and new conversations. As revealed by health care workers’ response to the Covid-19 pandemic, professionalism in health care may be an underused resource.”

He suggests that “Reframing quality improvement around the linchpin of care delivery — physician agency — could provide much-needed direction by elucidating strategies that address problems of information or motivation when professionals act as agents on their patients’ behalf. These strategies need not rely on measures.”

To read the article, please hit this link.

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