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Va. governor to keep pushing Medicaid expansion

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Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-Va.) says he will continue to fight for Medicaid expansion in the state despite being blocked so far by the Republican-controlled legislature. He has asserted that such an expansion would not only save lives but also create more jobs in the Old Dominion.

“I have been a spectacular failure at being able to close the coverage gap in the Commonwealth of Virginia,” Mr. McAuliffe told his audience at AHIP’s National Conference on Medicaid, Medicare and Duals.

“It has not been for want of trying.”

Republicans’  rationale in many states for rejecting expansion is that states could at some point  be financially liable, if the federal government goes back on its vow to cover at least 90 percent of the costs.

With 66 of the 100 members in Virginia’s House of Delegates Republican, he has been prevented him from getting even “creative” waivers enacted that would eliminate state liability.

To read a Med Page Today article on this, please hit this link.


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