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Why the snags in mental-health-insurance parity?

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Women representing mental illnesses in  19th Century France.

This NPR broadcast discusses why America still doesn’t have mental-health-insurance parity despite federal law. The text with the broadcast includes this:

“The law says insurance companies must pay for mental health benefits same as they do everything else. Addiction as much as diabetes. Depression as much as cancer. Bipolar as much as bypass. But around the country, consumers are taking their insurance companies to court saying they’re cutting corners and refusing to pay up. The insurance companies say mental health is complicated, and keeping costs down is part of their job. What does this mean for patients?”

The discussion includes:

Jenny Gold, correspondent at Kaiser Health News.

Meiram Bendat,  a lawyer and founder of Psych-Appeal, a law firm representing consumers in mental-health complaints against health-insurance companies.

Devon Herrick, health economist and senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis.


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