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Will FQHC’s avoid the federal funding cliff?

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Despite their many successes, the future of Community Health Centers is uncertain, warns the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) because they face a federal funding cliff. Without action by Congress to address the funding shortfall, Community Health Centers face up to a 70-percent reduction in federal support on Oct. 1, 2015, the organization says.

So next Tuesday, March 17, the NACHC will release a policy report, Community Health Centers Past, Present and Future: Building on 50 Years of Success.

We at Cambridge Management Group, which has worked closely with Federally Qualified Health Centers, predict that Congress and the Obama administration will find a way of averting going off this cliff because of the  impact it would have on millions of patients, the increased traffic it would force on hospital emergency rooms and other woes.

Whatever that cliff, the chaos associated with a U.S. Supreme Court ruling against certain subsidies under the Affordable Care Act would also cause a lot of problems at FQHC’s.



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