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10 things to know about final MACRA rule

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Becker’s Hospital Review, in another of its “things to know” articles, presents 10 things to know about the final MACRA rule.

Nearly a third of physicians could be exempt from Medicare’s new merit-based incentive payment system under a final rule the CMS issued Friday. The CMS also signaled it would broaden the opportunities for physicians to participate in alternative models.

The news service seeks to answer:

1. Who qualifies for the Quality Payment Program?

2. When does the Quality Payment Program start?

3. What options are there for participation?

4. What is MIPS and how has it changed from the proposed rule?

5. What qualifies as an advanced APM? 

6. How will small practices be able to participate?

7. How is the final rule more streamlined?

9. How are people responding?

10. What’s next?

Meanwhile, an analysis of the rule suggests that almost a third of physicians could be exempt from Medicare’s new merit-based incentive payment system.  And the CMS also indicated it would make it easier for physicians to participate in alternative models.

To read the whole Becker’s article, please hit this link.


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