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Partners gets no relief from its big Medicare snafu

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The Centers for Medicaid & Medicaid Services will not let Boston-based Partners HealthCare  resubmit paperwork for 19-bed Nantucket (Mass.) Cottage Hospital that, if it had been filed correctly, would have resulted in higher Medicare payments to  hospitals across Massachusetts

CMS’ decision to deny Partners’s resubmission request was included in CMS’s Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems rule.  CMS  refused to allow the corrections because the hospital missed the original submission deadline.

Becker’s Hospital Review reports: “Under hospital payment rules, Medicare is required to reimburse employee wages at urban hospitals at the baseline set at rural hospitals in the state. Nantucket Cottage Hospital typically sets the floor for wages at hospitals across Massachusetts because it is the only rural hospital in the state.”

“Last year, the Nantucket-based hospital provided data that underestimated its wages, dragging down payments for the entire state. Partners identified the errors in mid- to late March, and sent corrected numbers April 5, almost two months after the deadline for submitting corrections.”

To read the Becker’s article, please hit this link.


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