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The challenge of leadership in complex care

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In a NEJM Catalyst piece, three physicians discuss “Leadership for Complex Care: The Ship’s Ballast in Troubled Waters.” Among their observations:

“As clinical leaders who have developed teams in different organizations to navigate complex care environments, we have long maintained that the traditional focus on who captains the ship is misguided. In many complex clinical scenarios, there is often no single right way to do things. Having many different physicians bring their attention to a difficult problem can minimize the chance that something will be missed. Specialists tend to see care from their particular perspectives and, in the absence of collaboration, may not fully appreciate the effects of a therapeutic intervention in areas where they do not usually focus.”


“Novice clinicians sometimes look at the need to communicate intensively as a rite of passage — something that must be done until their colleagues gain confidence in their abilities. This thinking is misguided. The issue, again, is not that one is communicating because of a concern about competence, but because counterparts are equally invested in care. Indeed, the most experienced and skilled physicians often communicate about seemingly minor issues more frequently and adeptly than their more junior colleagues. Sharing small nuances and occurrences empowers all physicians to speak knowledgeably and consistently when they interact with families and referring doctors.”

To read the whole article, please hit this link.



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