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5 tips for better hospital boards

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”{A}lmost 40 percent of board directors say someone on their board should be replaced, according to PwC’s 2015 Annual Corporate Directors Survey,” says this article in Becker’s Hospital Review.

“On top of that, corporate governance circles are demanding more diversity. A whopping 95 percent of directors surveyed by PwC said adding diversity was important, and 84 percent felt a more diverse board would enhance effectiveness. This increased attention to diversity coupled with peer dissatisfaction indicates directors are turning a critical eye on board composition — and with good reason.”

Denise Kuprionis, president of The Governance Solutions Group, a Cincinnati-based board advisory practice, came up with these suggestions for creating better boards, in healthcare and elsewhere:

1. Identify whether your board’s needs have changed.

2. Ease into composition decisions.

3. Do self-evaluations first.

4. Step back to assess the aggregate.

5. Refresh your talent with outside expertise, new knowledge.


To read the Becker’s article, please hit this link.

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