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Applying self-perceived ’employee capability’ concept to give physician leaders what they need to thrive

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An athenahealth report says:

“In the late 1990s, a team of management scholars led by Harvard Business School professor Len Schlesinger came up with an important insight: Across a range of service industries, a single measurement of employees’ perceptions of their jobs can predict their performance. Called ’employee capability,’ the measurement gauges whether service workers feel they have the latitude, resources and support they need to effectively serve their customers. Since Schlesinger’s research was first published, boosting employees’ self-perceived capability has become a focus of leading service organizations and has been linked to greater customer loyalty, lower employee turnover, and higher shareholder returns.

“Healthcare is one of the nation’s largest service industries, but the concept of capability has not yet been applied to physicians in a healthcare setting. Evidence drawn from athenahealth data, however, suggest capability might be as influential in explaining physician performance as it is in other service industries.”

To read the report, please hit this link.

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