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Berwick: Push for the Triple Aim will continue under Trump

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Ilene MacDonald, of FierceHealthcare, writes about the views of former CMS Administrator Don Berwick, M.D., on health policy under the Trump administration.

She writes:

“Trump’s pre-election healthcare platform called for complete price transparency, and elements of the Affordable Care Act also call for transparency to help make the healthcare system easier to understand, creating a more competitive market. That meant CMS had more authority and responsibility to make data more available to the public. That was a difficult journey, Berwick says, because historically CMS kept the data guarded and tightly controlled for research. Over time data has become more available but he’s unsure what the future holds with the new administration.”

Tom Price, M.D. [Trump’s pick for the new head of the Department of Health and Human Services] is a fan of doctors and doctor practices. And doctors are uncomfortable with transparency so I’m not sure which way he will call this,’ Berwick says.”

“Although Berwick isn’t sure what will happen to the star ratings system under the new administration, he says he is certain quality improvement in healthcare and the goal of the Triple Aim to improve individual care, boost the health of patient populations and reduce overall costs, will continue.”

To read all of Ms. MacDonald’s piece, please hit this link.

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