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Cleveland Clinic touts progress, cites problems

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Cleveland Clinic claims great success with accountable care and improving patient safety and care access.

Its CEO, Toby Cosgrove, M.D., cites its use of distinct measures for all goals — from ER wait times to employee weight loss in its wellness program.

“Physicians are an incredibly data-driven group,” he said, “and if you want to make a change, you present the data and that makes the case for you.”

Fierce Healthcare says he  lauds Cleveland Clinic’s  “split-flow” model–a kind of triage “in which nurses redirect patients to one of two areas depending on the severity of their conditions–the clinic’s average ED wait times are down to 13 minutes.”

But, the news service writes, ” Cosgrove admits that the organization still has its challenges. For example, he said, lack of doctor communication remains the most common patient complaint, leading the clinic to implement mandatory communication courses.”


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