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Defining value in increased patient engagement

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Amos Adler, president of Toronto-based Memotext, looks at how to improve the return on investment of increased patient engagement in a talk at this year’s MedCity ENGAGE conference, in San Diego.

One of the first  steps, he said, is defining the value perspective.

“If we want to deliver ROI, we have to define that ROI at the onset. It can mean many different things to many different people”. But the key task is determining, and explaining, the immediate value to the patients of their increased engagement.

MedCity News reported: “Co-commercialization is one area {of patient engagement}in which the company has seen success. It worked with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health,  in Toronto, the largest hospital of its kind in Canada, on an app focused on predicting and ultimately reducing readmissions for behavioral health patients. It also teamed up with Massachusetts General Hospital on a family-specific pediatric ADHD intervention program.”

Adler concluded, “How can we use this stuff that’s around us to empower people to reach their goals and at the same time, improve the bottom line for stakeholders?”

To read the MedCity piece, please hit this link.

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