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Groups join in backing ACA subsidies

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The National Associati0n of Community Health Centers (NACHC), the American College of Physicians (ACP) and the American Nurses Association (ANA) and statewide primary-care associations (PCAs) representing Community Health Centers in most of the 37 states where federal exchanges are operating have joined in filing  an amicus brief supporting the position of Health and Human Services (HHS) in King v. Burwell in favor of maintaining subsidies under the Affordable Care Act.  

The NACHC’s Web site said:

”In their brief, amici noted that health centers are serving approximately 745,000 enrollees in Federal Exchanges throughout the country, the vast majority of whom have incomes below 200% of the Federal poverty line and therefore are dependent on the federal tax subsidies in order to be able to afford health insurance coverage.  NACHC estimated that an adverse decision by the Court would cost the centers more than $500,000,000, and that while centers would struggle to continue to serve these enrollees as uninsured patients, they would have to cut back on services and on the number of patients they could serve, as well as lay off staff and close some health center sites.”

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