Brad Brooks, co-founder and CEO of TigerText in Santa Monica, Calif., writes in Hospitals & Health Networks about how providers can improve patient handoffs by streamlining communication workflows.
He observes:
“With most physicians and other clinicians using disparate communications platforms, … handoffs can be uncoordinated and incomplete, leading to wasted time, unnecessary costs and unplanned outcomes.
“Mobile clinical communication with secure messaging and open application programming interface capabilities can streamline workflows and collaboration among care teams. To illustrate how essential this more efficient clinical communication workflow is to the patient journey and to ensure safe and well-organized handoffs, we will follow fictional patient Joe Smith who, after breaking his leg in a motorcycle accident one evening, arrives at the ED in an ambulance.”
Mr, Brooks then describes ”Joe’s” sequence from a hospital emergency room to imaging, to surgery, to inpatient status, to consulting a specialist, to preparing a checklist of medications and medical devices for the final handoff for discharge and transition to any outpatient care that might be needed.
He writes:
“Although this case study is fictional, the issues it addresses are very real for hospitals across the country. It shows how a more efficient clinical communication workflow can eliminate care delays, inefficiencies and confusion associated with busy, around-the-clock EDs, as well as care transitions inside and outside hospitals and health systems.
”Secure messaging and integrated systems accessed through a mobile platform can improve patient safety, care quality and patient satisfaction through shorter lengths of stay. Such technology can enhance continuity of care between handoffs, decrease wait times and consult times and reduce readmission rates for improved overall financial and clinical performance.”
To read his entire article, please hit this link.