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Kaiser unit: 27% of adults uninsurable without the ACA

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The Kaiser Family Foundation reports that 52 million adults under age 65  (or 27 percent)  have pre-existing conditions that would probably have made them impossible to insure before the Affordable Care Act barred insurers from refusing to cover people with pre-existing conditions.

KFF examined data from the National Health Interview Survey and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, as well as pre-ACA underwriting manuals used in the individual market .

Becker’s Hospital Review pulled out these four findings from the report:

1. “In 11 states, at least 30 percent of non-elderly adults would have a declinable condition pre-ACA, ranging from West Virginia (36 percent) to Tennessee (32 percent) to Kansas (30 percent).

2. “The three states with the most people estimated to have pre-existing conditions are California (5.9 million) Texas (4.5 million) and Florida (3.1 million).

3. “Colorado and Minnesota have the lowest number of individuals with pre-existing conditions, with at least 22 percent of adults under age 65 having declinable conditions.

4. “KFF projects the estimates are conservative, as the survey does not include details about several declinable conditions before the ACA like HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C. ”

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