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MetroHealth System to build a new hospital

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Artist’s rendition of how the MetroHealth campus  will look in 2022.

MetroHealth System, in Cleveland, plans to borrow $1.25 billion to build a new hospital, transforming its main campus on West 25th Street.

The  Cleveland Plain Dealer reports that the plan is for the system, “which has opened 10 new locations and began providing care at more than 20 facilities in the last three years, with the goal of regularly serving patients throughout Cuyahoga County,”  by 2022 to move patients out of its iconic round towers and into the new building, to be linked to the recently opened Critical Care Pavilion. The towers, built in 1962 -1972, primarily funded through taxes, are expected to be torn down.

What a turnaround! The announcements comes five years after consultants told hospital officials they would probably end 2015 with a $40 million deficit and should either sell, close or reinvent its mission.

Akram Boutros, M.D.,  hired 3 1/2 years ago to be the system’s CEO, launched a transformation, the Plain Dealer reported, that, he told The Plain Dealer, was so successful that the health system can finance a $855 million building plan without seeking taxpayer help.

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