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Mount Sinai’s Beth Israel’s drastic inpatient downsizing

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Beth Israel Hospital at 16th St. in Manhattan.

Mount Sinai Health System will  drastically shrink its Beth Israel Hospital, in New York City, by roughly 785 beds as part of a $500 million system reorganization. Much of the downsizing announcement was expected.  With the system’s announcement also came word that Mount Sinai Beth Israel’s president, Susan Somerville, is resigning after a tenure whose brevity is common in big hospitals these days.

“My husband has retired and I will be joining him in order to pursue new opportunities out East,” Ms. Somerville said. She has only had the Beth Israel job since  2014.

Under the system’s capital project, Beth Israel will slash the number of its beds from 856  to about 70.

Some of Beth Israel’s acute-care services will be transferred to places throughout the network during  the next 18 months.

Mount Sinai’s plan also includes  creating a new network called Mount Sinai Downtown to include expanded and renovated outpatient facilities at three sites with a total of more than 35 operating and procedure rooms,  and 16 physician practice locations consisting of  a total of more than 600 physicians.

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