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Perils to healthcare system seen in immigration order

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Many people in the healthcare sector warn that President Trump’s executive order on immigration could do major damage to  the American healthcare system, especially regarding foreign-born doctors, other healthcare workers and foreign patients who seek care in the U.S.

One big  fear is  about how the order could hurt healthcare providers from other countries who are working or studying in the U.S. The American healthcare system relies heavily on foreign-born workers, many of them from the Middle East.  As many as 25 percent of physicians practicing in the U.S. were born in another country. Further,  rural clinics and public safety-net hospitals tend to  rely particularly heavily on foreign medical-school graduates.

There are also  many  foreign-born occupational and physical therapists, dentists, pharmacists and other health clinicians.

“Guidance is urgently needed from the administration to clarify that this order will not impact patient care or prevent travelers’ access to timely medical treatment,” Andrew Gurman, president of the American Medical Association, told Morning Consult.

There are also fears that the travel ban could disrupt training programs at hospitals and medical schools.

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