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Rigorous outcomes metrics needed for measuring mental-health treatment

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The first American psychiatric hospital was Eastern State Hospital, in Williamsburg, Va.,  seen here. It was incorporated in 1768 under the name of the “Public Hospital for Persons of Insane and Disordered Minds”and its first patients were admitted in 1773.

Reene Pande, M.D., chief medical officer of AbleTo, writes in Med City News about the need for rigorous outcomes metrics for  measuring the quality of behavioral-and-mental-health treatment and institutions.

She cites the need for rigorous  outcome measures to remove weak provider systems and to reaffirm the need for evidence-based care proved by research/outcomes, with the help of such Organizations as the National Committee for Quality Assurance in creating national standards.

She also listed what she said are  minimum requirements to ensure the protection of patients needing mental-health care. They are, as paraphrased by Med City News:

  • “No lifetime caps on care.
  • “Ensuring coverage through Medicaid which provides insurance coverage for many our most vulnerable with mental illness.
  • “Protections for people with pre-existing conditions, including mental health issues.
  • “Securing budget and access to mental-health care for veterans and members of the military.
  • “Better support for caregivers.
  • “Secure funds for research and innovation for mental health.”

To read the piece, please hit this link.

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