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Brigham and Women’s tries to stop ‘tailgating’

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This from Hospitals & Health Networks:

“Violence appears to be on the rise within the hospital setting, and it’s an issue that keeps many nurse leaders awake at night. One of the less-talked-about causes of such violence is the practice of ‘piggybacking’ or ‘tailgating,’ according to Brigham and Women’s Hospital, in Boston. That’s when a nurse or other hospital employee holds a door open for a stranger, unintentionally letting someone into a secure area. To help combat this problem, the Brigham has launched a new campaign to bring more awareness to the issue. That will include two ‘provocative’ videos depicting the worst-case scenarios in these situations, along with new signage around the hospital and updated security policies. ‘In hospitals and health care organizations, we work in a culture where our first instinct is to help others,’ Erin McDonough, chief communication officer for Brigham and Women’s, said in the release. ‘Closing a door to someone feels uncomfortable and impolite, and it contradicts what many of us have been taught from a young age. We need our staff to know the potentially dangerous consequences of enabling people who do not have permission to access restricted areas — whether consciously or unconsciously — and give them tools that empower them to take action.”

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