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Survey: Physicians’ overhead is rising

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Painted ceiling, “Icarus,” by Rainer Maria Latzke, Chateau Thal, Belgium, via Dreamworlds LLC.

To no one’s surprise, the Physicians Practice Physician Compensation Survey found that physicians’ overhead is rising.

Physicians Practice reported:

“Last year, 32.4 percent of physicians estimated that overhead was 41 percent to 60 percent of their revenue. In this year’s survey, which included 1,095 physician respondents across multiple specialties, that number shot up to 40.4 percent. The percent of those paying a low percentage of overhead (1 percent to 20 percent) decreased from 24 percent last year to 16.6 percent this year. Furthermore, 32 percent said that the cost of overhead was greater for them than it was last year.

“This rising financial burden may be a problem for {the} many physicians whose income has stagnated. Nearly 40 percent of respondents said their income was the same as last year, while 28.7 said it went down, and 31.8 percent said it went up. This has, of course, left many physicians disappointed (44.7 percent of respondents).

U.S. physicians remain by far the highest  paid in the world.

To read the full report, please hit this link.

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