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The decline of clinical network management offerings


According to a new report by Chilmark Research, fewer companies are offering clinical network management (CNM) solutions.

Those that do have such solutions have moved from a “build it and they will come” approach to the question “can it help and at what cost?” Chilmark says.

Healthcare Dive summarizes the report’s conclusions: “Provider organizations will develop CMN capability if it supports broader business or clinical goals such as Accountable Care Organizations, quality improvement programs, population health management or referrals management.’’

The report notes that the CMS’s focus on advanced payment (valued-based) models will further push providers to invest in technology to improve data interoperability and allow coordinated care among different provider networks.

With more and more provider mergers and other partnerships, the need for networks to easily communicate with each another grows. So EHR vendors  support more open platforms for data sharing. But widespread standards are needed for interoperability to reach the goals set by providers, regulators and policymakers.

To read the Chilmark report, please hit this link.

To read the Healthcare Dive analysis, please hit this link.


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