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Trump picks GOP retreads to help kill or gut ACA


Modern Healthcare reports that its sources say that President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team for  the Department of Health & Human Services will be led by Andrew Bremberg, who worked at the department under President George W. Bush and advised  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

Mr. Bremberg worked on Mr. Walker’s healthcare proposal when the latter ran for president. Mr. Walker backed repealing the Affordable Care Act and splitting Medicaid into smaller programs with separate funding.

Mr. Bremberg worked for the Mitt Romney campaign in 2012 with the direct responsibility for laying the groundwork for the repeal of the ACA.

The publication also said that Mr. Trump had selected Paula Stannard to  concentrate on healthcare-reform measures.  She is a former deputy general counsel and acting general counsel of the HHS under President George W. Bush.

“They bring a basic philosophy that we can advance our healthcare system by making sure that the patient is at the center of every single reform and that reforms are actionable – and result in less government intrusion,” said Peter Pitts, president of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest and a former associate commissioner at the Food and Drug Administration, said of the two.

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