Cooperating for better care.

Claire Gulmi

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Envision wants to be the ‘one throat to choke’




Envision Healthcare Corp.’s CEO, Chris Holden, says the company plans  to spend $700 million on acquisitions in 2017, mostly for physician practices that are lining up to be sold.

Speaking at the Citi Global Healthcare Conference, less than a week after Envision and AmSurg Corp. completed their $10 billion, all-stock merger,  Mr. Holden said  Envision has “a robust pipeline” from which to select practices to buy.

Modern Healthcare says the  merger “brought together Envision’s core of staffing emergency rooms and providing ambulance services with AmSurg’s focus on specialists, like anesthesiologists, radiologists and neonatal physicians, as well as ambulatory surgery centers.”

Holden told Citi analysts that hospitals seek one-stop vendors that can staff all of their departments and joked that hospital executives preferred to have  “one throat to choke” if there were problems.

He noted that independent physician groups seek partners,  such as as Envision, that can buy them and provide their practices with modern information technology and  other large-enterprise services  so  that the physicians can focus on clinical care,  especially with the ongoing payer shift from fee-for-service medicine to fee for value, which forces physicians to prove their quality and efficiency to optimize reimbursement.

To read the whole Modern Healthcare article, please hit this link.

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