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Uber pilot program coordinates patients’ transportation


An Uber driver at work.

An Uber pilot program  at Mercy Health may offer hope for a cheaper, patient-centered way to move patients.

Hospitals & Health Networks summarizes: “The program involves a patient-centered portal that’s integrated with patient health records, allowing hospital transport coordinators to schedule and manage on-demand rides from one centralized location. Mercy Health System’s three acute care hospitals and their PACE, all-inclusive care program for the elderly in Pennsylvania are part of the initial pilot program. And the Philadelphia-area system already sees this as an opportunity to provide more individualized care, while driving down costs.

“’The key is to be able to define what an individual persons needs … and make it as easy as possible to be able to be engaged in their health care and well-being,’ says Gary Zimmer, senior vice president of Mercy and CEO of the system’s Clinically Integrated Network division.”

‘The portal, designed by the health care transportation company Circulation, integrates patient information into the transportation dashboard to view individual details; for instance, whether the patient needs a wheelchair-accessible vehicle, or other accommodations.”

To read the full Hospitals & Health Networks article, please hit this link.




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