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Clinician Experience Project

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Predictors of physician coaching success

— Photo by Jesrapo

In a piece in NEJM Catalyst, Stephen Beeson, M.D., founder of the Clinician Experience Project and author of Engaging Physicians: A Manual to Physician Partnership, sees predictors of physician coaching success as:

 1. “The response to coaching is better when physicians ask for help.”

2.  “The physician coach believes that improvement is possible.”

3. “The coached physician takes ownership of his or her own behavior ”

4.  “The coached physician is willing to try a new skill.”


Among his recommended techniques in coaching:

1. “Understand that issuing directives to improve patient satisfaction scores does not work.”

2.  “Encourage care team members to learn together.”

3.  “Frame coaching around things that physicians care about.”

4.  “Use the ‘Me Then Thee’ approach. Coaches who simply tell physicians to try a new skill are not nearly as effective as those who actually share their own stories of what they have learned, tried, and discovered and then invite their colleagues to do the same. This “Me Then Thee” approach is reminiscent of the ‘see one, do one, teach one’ model that guided so many of us through residency training and should be replicated when building an effective coaching approach.”

To read all of Dr. Beeson’s piece, please hit this link.


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