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CMS Actuary

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Time to fix perverse incentives in Medicare physician payment

A piece in Health Affairs says:

“MACRA is indeed better than what came before, but it still leaves in place perverse incentives that threaten to undermine quality and access for Medicare beneficiaries.”

The authors describe: “what we have accomplished regarding Medicare physician payment and what still needs to be done under the new administration and Congress.”

They conclude:

”While MACRA was a step in the right direction and encourages positive practice changes and provider integration, policymakers have a long way to go in aligning payment models with high-value results. As shown above and predicted by the CMS Actuary report, MACRA can only be considered an interim fix; new legislation is needed to avoid the unintended consequences of current law. Inaction will negatively affect the entire Medicare Part B program with a corresponding impact on health care access and quality for America’s seniors.

“This is not the time for Congress to rest on the belief that its work is done, but to act now to stabilize the long-term viability of the Medicare Program.”

To read the article, please hit this link.

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